The role of pre-seeded geomats in controlling land erosion

virens-The role of pre-seeded geomats in controlling land erosion

What are Geomats?

Three-dimensional geomats were developed in the 1960s and consist of synthetic filaments woven together and fused at the contact points with a thickness of approx. 2 cm, making them a very flexible, lightweight and easy-to-use material.

They are used to control the erosion of slope surfaces caused mainly by atmospheric phenomena, such as water runoff and wind, and perform this function from the moment they are laid, thanks to the strength of the materials they are made of. They are highly durable and fall into the category of Turf/Earth Reinforcement Mats (TRMs).

The role of geomats

Three-dimensional geomats consist of an open structure with a high void ratio that allows vegetation to grow and establish itself without creating any obstacles. It is important to remember that a well-vegetated geomembrane slows down the flow velocity of water, but also of wind, and is capable of doubling resistance to water flows.

For this reason, they are mainly used on earthen slopes, and prior to installation, adequate preparation of the intervention site is required by means of reprofiling the slopes and establishing a slope profile that is compatible with the geological characteristics of the site and the requirements of stability, safety and landscaping.

Application of geomats 

The geomats are usually applied after digging anchor trenches approx. 50 cm beyond the top of the slope, which can differ depending on the type of soil, the slope inclination, or the presence of watercourse banks, etc. Subsequently, the trenches, once the geomat has been laid and anchored, must be filled with soil and compacted. The geomats are then unrolled, taking care to maintain contact with the ground, anchoring and overlapping the rolls according to possible water flows.
Geomats can be applied to:
  • slopes of significant height
  • very steep slopes
  • watercourses banks and beds
  • loose slopes
  • poor soils
  • poorly irrigated escarpments.
Geomats are easy to lay and do not require specialised labour or technical equipment, and they do not suffer from corrosion the way metal products do.

Virmat pre-seeded geomats

They Virmat geomats are an evolution of traditional geomats: combined with pre-seeded biotextile Viresco® Sator fabric assembled in the lower part of the product, they are designed to offer the best performance on the market. This combination produces an effective protective action and an excellent vegetative result by permanently fixing seeds and fertilisers.

The ability of pre-seeded three-dimensional geomats to retain a layer of vegetable soil at the top of the mat provides moisture and thermal protection to the seed contained in the underlying bio-textile, which in turn, prevents the loss of fine soil in all weather conditions and ensures perfect cover for vegetation.  Thus, on the one hand it provides robust slope protection from the outset, and on the other hand, it provides rapid grassing and reinforced anchoring of the roots to the soil and the three-dimensional structure, which is rendered invisible by the vegetation. The result is a single vigorous block that is resistant to erosive forces.

In the case of traditional unseeded three-dimensional geomats, it is necessary to spread the seed underneath, before laying, or on top, after laying. With Virmat on the other hand, erosion control and seeding are achieved in one single solution, with lower costs and increased effectiveness.

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