The sensitivity of northern European countries to environmental issues and to greenery in particular is well known. Forestation and greening are activities that involve not only rural areas, but also specifically urban areas as well. These activities are one of the main tools for ecological transition and the improvement of environmental and social systems; ecological networks are part of these projects promoting habitat conservation and biodiversity on a local and global level.
Areas adjacent to arterial roads can also be part of these functions. In addition to this, the fact that they are surrounded by vegetation contributes to the reduction of dust, carbon dioxide and noise pollution as well as improving people’s psychological state.
It is therefore an investment in public health, an element in rebalancing our relationship with nature and a defence against climate change.
Even a ring road, normally seen as an example of a deteriorated environment, can fit this description.
In this case we are talking about the Vienna ring road and, as can be seen from the photos, the green part can also take on significant importance for the area in question.
We are now in summer: in the first photo we can see on the right the newly laid Viresco® Sator pre-seeded biofabric, and on the left the same product laid two months earlier. In the second photo, however, we see it after two months, at another point on the ring road.
The result was very interesting, both in terms of protecting the slopes from erosion and from an aesthetic and naturalistic point of view. We were also able to appreciate the speed of application, which in contexts such as the one described is an extremely useful quality.
But beyond these very technical and practical aspects, what stands out is anenvironmental impact that is perfectly consistent with the aforementioned premise.
Viresco® is a tool for the defence of our habitat in all situations, under all conditions.
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Via delle Industrie, 31/B,
35020 Albignasego, Padova (Italy)
Ph. +39 049 755 471
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