How can we reconcile the requirements of securing and protecting slopes with the needs of ornamental greenery? The answer is very simple: Pre-seeded Virens!
The ultimate in slope erosion control with the ultimate in aesthetics.
In this case we are in a park adjacent to a residential area with a terraced slope of a certain inclination. It was therefore necessary to provide answers to the two different and often opposing needs described.
The product used is Viresco® Sator, the ultimate in versatility and customisation.
The ability to adapt to the surface to be treated is remarkable: immediate erosion control, making underlying run-off impossible, and providing unique ease of use.
The seed mix is the same as those used for the best turf grass, and the final effect will satisfy the most demanding of customers.
At the end of the intervention, the area is fully protected and returned to recreational use.
The cultivars used are the ones that best blend into the surrounding ecosystem in terms of both type and colour.
The development of the intervention took place in a very short time, and the speed with which the vegetation was laid and established was particularly useful on a surface where the vegetation was not compacted and subject to the risk of leaching and loss.
The sequence shows the different steps from the laying of the Viresco® Sator biodegradable pre-seeded fabric to the final result.
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Virens S.r.l.
Via delle Industrie, 31/B,
35020 Albignasego, Padova (Italy)
Ph. +39 049 755 471
© 2025 Virens - P.IVA e CF 02622360283