In order to perform their function effectively, all biomats, biotextiles and geomats must adhere accurately to the ground. An absolutely necessary attention in the event that these materials are pre-sown, as all Virens products.
In particular in the case of applications for anti-erosion purposes on slopes, banks of watercourses and embankments in general, biomats and geomats must be anchored frequently.
The anchoring, in addition to ensuring adhesion, prevents movement due to wind or atmospheric precipitation.
Therefore our biotextiles, geomats and geocomposites, once the surface of the ground has been cleared of stones, stones and pre-existing vegetation from the root, reprofiled and levelled, must be fixed with the most suitable anchors for the type of product, the type of terrain and the conformation of the area.
The range of accessories offered by VIRENS is extremely varied, in order to satisfy every need.
Fill out the form to get more information and prices of our products.
Virens S.r.l.
Via delle Industrie, 31/B,
35020 Albignasego, Padova (Italy)
Ph. +39 049 755 471
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